The Kingdom of Var (2019)
67K Genre Horror Thriller Alison Niven Angela Dál Riata Brittany Clough Cynthia Stone Dean Armstrong John Pellizzari Kevin Reitzel Kyle Dunbar Lars Classington Leah Klein Lisa Crawford Madison Graves Mark Brombacher Martin Huss Matthew Sears Nicholas Kleban Rebecca Callender Sarah Swerid Scarlett Rose Taylor Vida Zukauskas Zachary King 2019 Canada English Nicholas Kleban null
The Kingdom of Var: Directed by Nicholas Kleban. With Cynthia Stone, Angela Dál Riata, Kyle Dunbar, Martin Huss. College student Sonja summons the demonic sorcerer Var after viewing a 500-year-old film containing his spirit.
“Acting was horrific! These people need to leave the field now! Iu0026#39;ve never seen anything this bad. Even school kids can do better than this.”