In den Gängen (2018)
66K Drama Genre Romance Andreas Leupold Angelika Kluge Clemens Meyer Eva Maria Strobl Franz Rogowski Gerdy Zint Henning Peker Kay Zint Matthias Börner Matthias Brenner Michael Specht Mike Gehring Peter Kurth Ramona Kunze-Libnow Robert Carlo Ceder Sandra Hüller Sascha Nathan Steffen Scheumann Thomas Stuber 2018 6.9 German Germany Thomas Stuber
In den Gängen: Directed by Thomas Stuber. With Andreas Leupold, Franz Rogowski, Peter Kurth, Steffen Scheumann. Christian begins to work as a shelf stacker at a supermarket and finds himself in a new, unknown world: the long aisles, the bustle at the checkouts, the forklifts.
“The story is nice and the environment of the story is itu0026#39;s key aspect. The characters are unique and nice. The workplace is shown in a well detailed manner and makes you want to work there and be like these normal people in the store.”