A Patient Man (2019)
56K Crime Drama Genre Thriller Amir Talai Daniel Olson David Jahn Elaine Loh Evie Ward Harvey J. Alperin John Crickellas Jonathan Mangum Justin Skinner Katherine Von Till Katie F. Ward Kelsey Scott Kevin Ward Oscar O. Bejarano Philip Willcox Rob Nelson Ryan Scharoun Sheilah Morrison Tate Ellington William Pappas 2019 5.9 English Kevin Ward United States
A Patient Man: Directed by Kevin Ward. With Harvey J. Alperin, Oscar O. Bejarano, John Crickellas, Tate Ellington. In the aftermath of a terrible car accident, a man tries to make sense of his life and seeks revenge for what his has lost.
“Itu0026#39;s about planning revenge patiently. And it was shown nicely. Photography and especially Outdoor shooting was awesome. Acting was also nice. I donu0026#39;t know why itu0026#39;s rating was so low. Some good movies are so poorly represented on IMDB unfortunately.”