Marlo Lasker (TV Movie 2020)
42K Adventure Comedy Genre Romance Alexis Brandt Carrie Gibson Chad Squires Clayton Nemrow Colby Clayton Lemaster Dohn Norwood Franchie San Pedro Hitoshi Masaki Jason Caceres Jeff Jeffers Kyle Hendershot Mike Muratore Noella Wallace Resit Berker Enhos Rich Rotella Sachiko Ishida Sarah Rotella Shane Palmer Steffinnie Phrommany Veronica A. Brown 2020 English null Rich Rotella United States
Marlo Lasker: Directed by Rich Rotella. With Rich Rotella, Steffinnie Phrommany, Kyle Hendershot, Dohn Norwood. Marlo Lasker, a lovable nerd, goes on a series of adventures to defeat Caleb, the school jock, and win the heart of Susie, the girl of his dreams.
“What a wonderful character Marlo Lasker is. Funny, warm and reminiscent of the more innocent times of u0026quot;nerd moviesu0026quot; that make us laugh out loud at their antics. The world will never get tired of having a laugh at the crazy side of human nature. So much fun”