The Cave (2019)
42K Action Adventure Drama Genre Alex Winslow Alicia Vikander Andreas Marianos Arpa Pawilai Boyd Holbrook Christopher Raymond Dimitris Vangelis Don Linder Ekawat Niratvorapanya Eoin O'Brien Erik Brown Ferdinando Cito Filomarino Filippos Ioannidis Ilias Pistikos Isabella Margara James Edward Holley Jim Warny John David Washington Jumpa Saenprom Katrina Grose Kevin A. Rice Lawrence de Stefano Lena Kitsopoulou Marianna Bozantzoglou Michael Shaowanasai Michael Stuhlbarg Mikko Paasi Nikolas Kounelis Nirut Sirichanya Nopadol Niyomka Olga Spyraki Omiros Poulakis Panos Koronis Philip Wilson Spyros Dimitrakakis Tan Xiaolong Thanawut Kasro Ting Sue Todd Ruiz Tom Waller Treechada Petcharat Vicky Krieps Yannis Kokiasmenos Yorgos Pirpassopoulos Yorgos Vasiliou 2019 7.2 English Thailand Tom Waller
The Cave: Directed by Tom Waller. With Jim Warny, Ekawat Niratvorapanya, James Edward Holley, Nopadol Niyomka. A Thai youth football team is trapped in a cave while rescue workers scramble to save them.
“While the real life story of the Thai boys football teams rescue was wonderful, this film was an extremely poor production. The real people playing themselves is comical at times, through no real fault of their own. Afterall they arent actors. Its very poorly laid out and extremely slow.”