Gothic Harvest (2019)
33K Genre Horror Abbie Gayle Alexander Biglane Ashley Hamilton Ashton DeGroot Ashton Leigh Bill Moseley Carol Sutton Chris Kobin Ciara Rizzo Clyde Risley Jones David Kallaway Janee Michelle Kyler Porche Lin Shaye Mary Alice Risener Michelle West Nicholas Hemb Sofia Mattsson Tanyell Waivers Thomas Francis Murphy Yohance Myles 2019 5.8 Ashley Hamilton English United States
Gothic Harvest: Directed by Ashley Hamilton. With Bill Moseley, Lin Shaye, Sofia Mattsson, Ashton Leigh. When a young woman disappears during Mardi Gras, her friends race to find her before she falls victim to a sadistic Southern family plagued by a centuries old voodoo curse.
“Had me on the edge of my seat and really uncomfortable, but i like these kind of movies”