Op-pa saeng-gak (2016)
17K Action Drama Genre War Daniel Joey Albright Gareth Fannin Han Lee Hyun-Bin Kim István Medvigy Jang Joon-Hee Joon-Won Jung Kang Hyun-Goo Kim Min-Gyeol Ko Asung Lee Hee-joon Lee Ho-Cheol Lee Joon-hyuk Lee Jung-hyun Min-seo Kim Re Lee Si-wan Yim Soo-Young Park Su-Young Park Tang Joon-sang Woo-tak Lee Yeong-jae Kim 2016 6.1 Han Lee Korean South Korea
Op-pa saeng-gak: Directed by Han Lee. With Si-wan Yim, Ko Asung, Lee Hee-joon, Daniel Joey Albright. During the Korean War, Second Lieutenant Sang-Yeol encounters a group of orphans while leading his platoon. Empathizing with their pain, he makes a choir with the children to protect them.