Jonestown: Paradise Lost (TV Movie 2007)
23K Documentary Drama Genre History Adrienne Pearce Alon Nashman Brendan Murray Cindi Sampson Dean Slater Greg Ellwand Jason Sherman Kevin Otto Nicole Crozier Olive Cele Patrick Lyster Pope Jerrod Quentin Krog Rick Roberts Roxanne Blaise Sherwin Harris Stephan Jones Ted Biggs Tim Reiterman Tim Wolochatiuk Vernon Gosney Victoria Bartlett 2007 7.8 English Tim Wolochatiuk United States
Jonestown: Paradise Lost: Directed by Tim Wolochatiuk. With Ted Biggs, Stephan Jones, Vernon Gosney, Tim Reiterman. Cult leader Jim Jones leads his followers to a mass-suicide.
“A sick circus show with actors playing upon the dramatization of the memories of facts long gone.”