Latte Igel und der magische Wasserstein (2019)
11K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Andrea Deppert Ashley Bornancin Byron Marc Newsome Carla Renata Carter Hastings Daniel Amerman Danny Fehsenfeld Eric Saleh Gunnar Sizemore Henning Baum Julian Grant Leslie L. Miller Luisa Wietzorek Marina Martins Martin Behnke Mimi Maynard Paulette Victor-Lifton Regina Welker Sophie Simpson Tim Schwarzmeier Timur Bartels 2019 5.8 French Germany Mimi Maynard
Latte Igel und der magische Wasserstein: Directed by Mimi Maynard, Paulette Victor-Lifton, Regina Welker, Nina Wels. With Ashley Bornancin, Danny Fehsenfeld, Daniel Amerman, Timur Bartels. Follows the journey of a young hedgehog who wants to save the forest and its inhabitants from a horrible drought by reclaim a magical waterstone from the bear king.
“Such a pleasure to watch an animation film thatu0026#39;s great for the whole family! This film is a great tale of adventure with life lessons thrown in. The voice actors did such a great job!! Will recommend to all!!”