Pirate's Passage (TV Movie 2015)
68K Animation Drama Fantasy Genre Alan Van Sprang Blixa Bargeld Brad Peyton Carrie-Anne Moss Colm Feore Daniel Kash Donald Sutherland Gage Munroe Gordon Pinsent Jamie Gallant Jenna Warren John Stocker Justin Kelly Kid Congo Powers Kim Coates Kristin Booth Kristina Nicoll Lydia Lunch Megan Follows Mick Harvey Mike Barth Nick Cave Paul Giurgeu Paul Gross Rafferty Blumberg Rayner Jesson Roland Wolf Rossif Sutherland Terry Haig Thomas Wydler Tony Nardi Uli M. Schüppel William Gilkerson 6.7 Australia English Mike Barth
Pirate’s Passage: Directed by Mike Barth, Jamie Gallant. With Donald Sutherland, Gage Munroe, Carrie-Anne Moss, Megan Follows. A mysterious old sailor arrives in Grey Rocks, Nova Scotia and meets a young boy and mother whom he offers to help for his own reasons.
“This film was probably the best documentary of nick cave i have ever seen. If youu0026#39;re a real fan, get it. If not, you probably would hate it, as the sound is pretty bad (very quiet), and (i think) it is mainly black and white. Anyway, well worth the watch.”