Finding Agnes (2020)
62K Drama Genre Abdelhaq Elhmdam Aileen Alcampado Alexandra Mereda Ali Elakkari Cheska Iñigo Dexter Doria Erwin Blanco Hannah Ledesma Jelson Bay Joselito Porto Kafa Sara Khadifa Damiri Khalid Roudrari Marla Ancheta Rafa Esplana Rand Talih Roxanne Guinoo Sandy Andolong Sara Hassini Sue Ramirez Varoon Kessop Yassine Ouahlim Yuan Francisco 2020 7.4 Germany Marla Ancheta Tagalog
Finding Agnes: Directed by Marla Ancheta. With Jelson Bay, Sue Ramirez, Sandy Andolong, Roxanne Guinoo. On an emotional journey in Morocco, an entrepreneur pieces together the turbulent life of his estranged mother and meets her adopted daughter.
“I liked the storyline and the choice of the locations. The lead actor leaves something to be desired. I cant find any connection between the 2 leading actors. Its a great film but a better choice of actors would suit this film.”