Haze (2016)
38K Drama Genre Thriller Aaron Stein Andrew Agner-Nichols David Burkman Doug Henderson Drew Sinclair Jeremy O'Shea Joey Eugene Kirk Curran Kristin Rogers Mark Mullauer Matt Bodie Matthew McClain Michael O'Neil Callaghan Mike Blejer Nicholas Kedrock Nyk Schmalz Paul Savage Raamin Samiyi Ryan Fearson Shaz Khan Sophia Medley 2016 6.4 David Burkman English United States
Haze: Directed by David Burkman. With Kirk Curran, Mike Blejer, Jeremy O’Shea, Kristin Rogers. In the aftermath of a brutal fraternity hazing death, a college freshman’s desire to join the best fraternity on campus is compromised when his older brother launches an anti-hazing crusade. A modern retelling of ancient Greek mythology, HAZE is a sobering, realistic portrait of what truly goes on behind fraternity and sorority house walls.
“Iu0026#39;m not going to spoil this but I enjoyed the movie all the way until the end. I literally had to rewind it twice to make sure it was actually the end and my movie wasnu0026#39;t skipping and cutting off the ending. The ending was that bad that I though it was a glitch.”