Black to the Moon 3D (2013)
56K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Angel E. Pariente Bobby Jackson Brian Vermeire Carolyn Fallin Emilee Wallace Francis Nielsen Gorka Sesma Kim Michelle Broderick Kristina Hughes Maria Dylan-Spencer Mills Alison Peter Hudson Ryan Dowler Sarmarie Klein Sean O'Neal Segundo Altolaguirre Simona Berman Tony Pauletto Tyler Shamy Wayne Grayson 3.3 32013 English Francis Nielsen Spain
Black to the Moon 3D: Directed by Francis Nielsen. With Emilee Wallace, Wayne Grayson, Kristina Hughes, Peter Hudson. Blackie, the black sheep, is obsessed with going to the Moon. Kanuto, the dog, is obsessed with Blackie – but doesn’t even want to hear about rockets. Obviously, they take off and meet adorable and zany animals before – and after lift-off.
“This movie is uninteresting, agenda based, and also has jokes that are not suitable for kids…….u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003enAvoid at all costs”