Bystander (2019)
17K Genre Thriller Alex Triveri Amanda Shy Arash Mokhtar Chad Conley Chris Armstrong Chris Bell Danielle Brickman David Minniefield David Whalen Giuseppe Lucarelli Iljana Gaffar James Quinn Jillian O'Neil John Thompson John W. Iwanonkiw Joshua Gardner Matthew McCurdy Sara Torres Tom Mirth Tredd Barton 2019 3.4 English Giuseppe Lucarelli United States
Bystander: Directed by Giuseppe Lucarelli, David Minniefield. With Sara Torres, David Whalen, Arash Mokhtar, Matthew McCurdy. A notorious serial killer is hired to kidnap the daughter of Pittsburgh’s Chief of Police when he takes up the charge against human trafficking in his city.
“I had patience to watch that movie only 15 min. Terrible acting! Storyline is so bad. Donu0026#39;t waste your time.”