Ein treuer Mann (2018)
24K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Arthur Igual Bakary Sangaré Birane Ba Dali Benssalah David Elmaleh Diane Courseille Emily Lehuraux Felix Geslin Florence Seyvos Hervé Courtois Jean Pouletty Jean-Claude Carrière Jeanne Bournaud Joseph Engel Julia Banas Karina Chabour Kiara Carrière Laetitia Casta Léonie Bachelard Lily-Rose Depp Louis Garrel Vladislav Galard 2018 7.1 France French Louis Garrel
Ein treuer Mann: Directed by Louis Garrel. With Louis Garrel, Laetitia Casta, Lily-Rose Depp, Joseph Engel. A couple’s relationship becomes complicated when she leaves him for his best friend, and returns after he dies.
“Second movie as a director for Louis Garrell, and (as in Two Friends) he pays tribute to the cinema that made him the director (and actor) he is today.nThe only problem is (for me) the conclusion of his movies, always quickly solving the good intuition of the start. His love for love triangles and ironic ways to talk about love disasters is a signature, and I wish he will be able to end a movie the way he knows how to start them.”