#Truth (2019)
8K Drama Genre Anthony Montgomery Barbara Niven Bryan Mordechai Jackson Carl Gilliard Cathy DeBuono Charles Murray Cree Summer Damien D. Smith Dorian Missick Elan Murray Elimu Nelson Erika Schiff Gary Weeks Gloria Gifford Imelda Corcoran Jessica Clark John Heard Kerry Knuppe Kevin Phillips Lauryn Nicole Hamilton Lee Anne Matusek Marc Crumpton Mary Jane Wells Mel Chude Michael Adam Hamilton Michael Beach Michael King Morgan Fairchild Nicole Conn Rebecca Staab Reesha L. Archibald Shanola Hampton Shayla Hale Simone Missick Steve Tyler Tamara Taylor Terrell Tilford Terrence Beasor Thomas Q. Jones Todd Gilliam Victoria Gabrielle Platt Will Holman 2019 7.3 Charles Murray English United States
#Truth: Directed by Charles Murray. With Reesha L. Archibald, Michael Beach, Mel Chude, Carl Gilliard. After his cousin commits suicide, Stewart Cooper begins to unravel a web of shaming, lies, and secrets. Driven by his own emotional turmoil, he turns the tables on his cousin’s ex and the man she had an affair with — her church pastor.
“The story line was controversial but touched on things that have touched the church u0026amp; itu0026#39;s leaders. I felt it was well played by the actors. The only problem I had was the ending, I didnu0026#39;t like how it ended; it left me hanging.”