Bheemasena Nalamaharaja (2020)
25K Drama Genre Achyuth Kumar Amaan Aravinnd Iyer Arohi Narayan Arya Dayanand Gangadhar Jeevan Gangadariah Karthik Saragur Lakshmi Karanth Manas Gabriel Meese Anjanappa Pooja Kashyap Praveen Kumar Gasti Prerana Gopal Priyanka Thimmesh Punith Achar Sandhya Arakere Tushar Gowda Vijay Chendoor Vinod Divakar 2020 7.8 India Kannad Karthik Saragur
Bheemasena Nalamaharaja: Directed by Karthik Saragur. With Aravinnd Iyer, Achyuth Kumar, Arohi Narayan, Priyanka Thimmesh. A pinch of love, a dollop of happiness with a scoop of togetherness. Join this cook on a flavorsome journey of love, loss and friendship. When tragedy sizzles through his life, it is to see if he can save the dish and toss a sweet ending.
“Very gud movie…has an message but lil lengthy in middle but apart from tat great movie! Loved arohi Narayan acting more than anything 💓n music too😘n-preethi rathod”