Das Mädchen, das durch die Zeit sprang (2006)
20K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Arashi Matsutani Atsuko Yuya Ayami Kakiuchi Fumihiko Tachiki Hiroshi Kudo Keiko Aizawa Keiko Yamamoto Kiyomi Tanigawa Maho Kurashima Mamoru Hosoda Midori Ando Mitsuki Tanimura Mitsutaka Itakura Riisa Naka Satoko Okudera Shiori Yokohari Sonoka Matsuoka Taeko Hase Takayuki Handa Takuya Ishida Utawaka Katsura Yasutaka Tsutsui Yuki Sekido 2006 5.1 Canada English Mamoru Hosoda
Das Mädchen, das durch die Zeit sprang: Directed by Mamoru Hosoda. With Riisa Naka, Takuya Ishida, Mitsutaka Itakura, Ayami Kakiuchi. A high-school girl named Makoto acquires the power to travel back in time, and decides to use it for her own personal benefits. Little does she know that she is affecting the lives of others just as much as she is her own.
“Got nostalgic and looked up the show but bruh this ainu0026#39;t it bring back the one from the mid 2000u0026#39;s lmao.”