Seven in Heaven (2018)
43K Drama Genre Horror Mystery Alex Thorne Charlotte Lai Chris Eigeman Claire Rankin Clark Backo Debra Hale Dylan Everett Gage Munroe Gary Cole Grant Nickalls Haley Ramm Jacinda Barrett Jake Manley Jeff Clarke Linnea Currie-Roberts Marie Dame Milton Barnes Paulino Nunes Travis Tope Vinson Tran Wayne Ward 2018 5.3 Chris Eigeman English United States
Seven in Heaven: Directed by Chris Eigeman. With Travis Tope, Haley Ramm, Dylan Everett, Jake Manley. Teenagers Jude and June spend seven minutes in a locked closet and emerge in a hostile and dangerous alternate world.
“It was okay. Its more of a sci-fi twilight zone type of movie. I would definitely not consider it a horror movie though. It was definitely not a movie you would get spooked in. A bit hard to understand.”