Tension(s) (2014)
53K Action Crime Drama Genre Al Pierce Astrida Auza Bas Reitsma Danesh Hanbury David Kinsman Emily Stranges François Mequer Jean-Michel Montanary Jeanette Roxborough Joel Lacoursiere Justin Bigelli Louis Mandylor Louis-Philippe Simard Marcus Le Richard Collier Richard Roy Sutton Robert Nolan Saffron Cassaday Sean Moussavi Thom Savery Vincent Ceus Vincent Lecrocq 2014 5.8 English Japan Vincent Lecrocq
Tension(s): Directed by Vincent Lecrocq. With Louis Mandylor, David Kinsman, Richard Roy Sutton, François Mequer. A tortured ex-Negotiator, once pride of the Boston Police Department is taken hostage in his home. A psychological confrontation takes place while the kidnappers demand that he completes a mysterious mission for them.
“This movie is worth watching better than you would think . Its a little of a b flick but not bad.”