To the Beat!: Back 2 School (2020)
37K Comedy Drama Family Genre Allison Keith Atsuko Enomoto Avery Hewitt Betsy Randle Brisa Lalich Bryce Xavier Casey Simpson Elizabeth Bannor Emily Faucret Eric Martsolf Gabe De Guzman Hayden Summerall Hilary Haag Hirotaka Suzuoki Houko Kuwashima Jaheem Toombs Jake Brennan Jay Hickman Jayden Bartels Jillian Clare Jillian Shea Spaeder Kaishaku Katherine Randolph Kelli Cousins Kotono Mitsuishi Laura Krystine Lilly Melgar Luci Christian Marie Wilson Martha Madison Masayo Kurata Mie Sonozaki Monica Rial Naohito Takahashi Rie Tanaka Rikako Aikawa Rozie Curtis Steven Foster Susan Bernhardt Susumu Chiba Sydney Bourne Tommy Drake Trevor Larcom Unshô Ishizuka Yôsuke Kuroda 5.6 English Japan Jillian Clare
To the Beat!: Back 2 School: Directed by Jillian Clare. With Laura Krystine, Brisa Lalich, Jayden Bartels, Hayden Summerall. The story continues…at school.
“To The Beat! Back 2 School is really great and even better than the first one!!! A lot of the new characters are really interesting. I think itu0026#39;s pretty interesting that Mackie and Avery are friends now. I hope we get a third To The Beat soon! Iu0026#39;d love to see that!!!”