Go Fish (2019)
42K Adventure Animation Genre Alison Wandzura Asia Mattu David Milchard Elijah Dhavvan Geoff Gustafson Harmony O'Reilly Justine Ezarik Kathleen Barr Kiefer O'Reilly Mark Hamill Michelle O'Reilly Phoenix O'Reilly Ron Perlman Samara Redway Scott McNeil Sean Patrick O'Reilly Summer O'Reilly 2019 3.4 English Sean Patrick O'Reilly United States
Go Fish: Directed by Sean Patrick O’Reilly. With Kathleen Barr, Elijah Dhavvan, Justine Ezarik, Geoff Gustafson. When a mysterious black goop reaches his idyllic undersea town, a brave and selfless parrot fish must cross the ocean to find its source and fix it before his coral reef is destroyed.
“This may keep your young children entertained for just over an hour as itu0026#39;s bright and colourful but I found it impossible to watch without comparing it to Nemo. May sound like an unfair comparison but pixar have set the standards for this style of animation.”