Acceptable Damage (2019)
34K Drama Genre Adele James Andrei Costin Charlotte Price Crispian Belfrage Elijah Baker Elinor Machen-Fortune Emily Salter Fiona Whitelaw Fraser Ayres George Weightman Jack Brett Anderson Jamie Lee-Hill John Marfoh Jordan Pitt Lauren Anika Lavinia Simina Mark Springer Rebecca Peyton Talia Smolar-Fourniol 2019 9.1 Lavinia Simina United Kingdom
Acceptable Damage: Directed by Lavinia Simina. With Elijah Baker, Fiona Whitelaw, Fraser Ayres, Adele James. Lucy and her Autistic daughter Katy are under siege from a street gang. The gang leader Rabbit wants to make them feel as low as he has been made to feel; as he fights a war against himself and the world around him.
“A very organic film that showcases courage and and the heroes within us all as we learn to embrace and fight for who we are and what it means to be different and misunderstood. Very well put together and compelling.”