The Lears (2017)
23K Comedy Drama Genre Aemilia Scott Aly Michalka Amy Argyle Annie McCain Engman Anthony Michael Hall Bruce Dern Carl Bessai Christine Harte Helen Pruitt-Kennett Irwin Olian Ivy Matheson James Hoare Justin Pruitt-Kennett Malcolm Madera Nic Bishop Rhian Rees Sean Astin Stephen Ellis Victoria Smurfit Yvonne Delarosa 2017 6.3 Carl Bessai English United States
The Lears: Directed by Carl Bessai. With Bruce Dern, Anthony Michael Hall, Sean Astin, Aly Michalka. An iconic world-class architect and father (Bruce Dern) tests the love of his dysfunctional family at a retreat while contemplating his own death and legacy.
“I just watch it because of Victoria Smurfit, ist so boring because it didnt even have too much theme scoring, and this doesnt even give me vibes, i love Victoria from ouat which she role as Cruella so i starting watching some of her filmography, again just for Victoria Smurfit nothing much important.”