The Courier (2019)
38K Action Crime Drama Genre Al Holland Alicia Agneson Amit Shah Andy Conway Barry Wilson Calli Taylor Craig Conway Dan Fredenburgh Dermot Mulroney Freddie Mason Gary Oldman Gordon Alexander Greg Orvis James Edward Barker Joel Michaely John Sharpe Lee Charles Neil Chapelhow Olga Kurylenko Pablo Casillas Renars Latkovskis William Moseley Zackary Adler 2019 5.4 English United Kingdom Zackary Adler
The Courier: Directed by Zackary Adler. With Olga Kurylenko, Gary Oldman, Amit Shah, Alicia Agneson. A courier in London discovers that one of the packages she’s transporting is a bomb.
“Terrible editing, Horrible soundtrack, cardboard characters. The whole movie feels like we are following a film crew around while the actors rehearse their lines. Gary Oldman will apparently take any job he can get. He does wear an eye-patch though…good call by the wardrobe department; they really earned their keep.”