Before the Dawn (2019)
42K Drama Genre Romance Alana de Freitas Alexa Reddy Benjamin Levy Aguilar Byron James Carissa Dalton Diane Foster Garrett Mowbray Gregory R. Gordon Houston Rhines Jared Scott Jay Holben Joseph Covino Juan Felipe Restrepo Juan Magana Juli Cuccia Kelly Hancock Matthias Chrans Norma Burgess Paul Mariskanish Raul Nava Zach DuFault 2019 6.1 English Jay Holben United States
Before the Dawn: Directed by Jay Holben. With Alana de Freitas, Jared Scott, Houston Rhines, Kelly Hancock. After an encounter with a troubled student crosses the line, a young high school teacher struggles between giving into her desires and doing the right thing.
“Stumbled upon this indie gem! I love films that portray conflicted characters in complicated and unique situations. Alana de Freitas delivers an extraordinary performance by lending nuance and sympathy to Lila. I was completely sold on her attraction to Jason and their chemistry. I was impressed to discover that she also wrote and produced the film…she is definitely someone to watch and follow. Very well done film!”