Cornered (2021)
55K Drama Genre Aislinn De'Ath Amy Hill Ben Gardner Gray Cecily Thomas Charles Mooney David Abiose David Fox Donal Cox Elizabeth Sung Emma Galliano Gezim Gojnovci John Henry Westhead Joshua Morrison Julia Nickson Karolina Kula Mark Keegan Mark Ramsay Michal Svoboda Monika Miles Narhee Ahn Paul Coster Quentin Lee Quinn Westhead Sarah Leigh Tamlyn Tomita Zachary Westhead 2021 4.2 English Quentin Lee United Kingdom
Cornered: Directed by John Henry Westhead. With John Henry Westhead, Ben Gardner Gray, Sarah Leigh, Karolina Kula. New book CORNERED alleges musician Brian Corner did not die in 1991, that his death was a set up. Peter, paparazzi, believes he has found Corner. He follows him in hopes of exposing him and landing the big pay day he has been longing for.
“Long live Brian Corner! This film hooked me and shook me and dropped me off back down on the earth scratching my head. Best music biopic out there, very intriguing.”