Thor: Tales of Asgard (Video 2011)
18K Action Adventure Animation Genre Alistair Abell Ashleigh Ball Brent Chapman Brian Drummond Cathy Weseluck Chris Britton Craig Kyle Greg Johnson Jack Kirby Jillian Michaels John Novak Mark Acheson Mark Gibbon Matthew Wolf Michael Dobson Paul Dobson Rick Gomez Ron Halder Sam Liu Tara Strong Ty Olsson Venus Terzo 2011 7 English Germany Sam Liu
Thor: Tales of Asgard: Directed by Sam Liu. With Matthew Wolf, Rick Gomez, Tara Strong, Alistair Abell. The young Norse god Thor embarks on a quest with his brother Loki to find and recover a legendary sword.
“I was really surprised I liked this movie as much as I did. The story was great, the Loki dynamic was very good and it made for a very well spent afternoon. It needed a bit more of a budget and it would have made a hell of a great MCU entry.”