Ghost in the Shell Arise: Border 3 – Ghost Tears (2014)
64K Action Animation Genre Ai Kayano Aya Hisakawa Chad Horii Hironori Kondo Ikkyu Juku Kazuchika Kise Kazuya Nakai Ken'ichirô Matsuda Maaya Sakamoto Mayumi Asano Miyuki Sawashiro Rieko Kamenaka Sean Whitley Shin'ya Hamazoe Shirow Masamune Shunsuke Sakuya Takahiro Fujiwara Takehiro Hasu Takurou Nakakuni Tarusuke Shingaki Tatsuhisa Suzuki Tow Ubukata Yôji Ueda Yuka Keicho 32014 7.2 Japan Japanese Kazuchika Kise
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Border 3 – Ghost Tears: Directed by Kazuchika Kise. With Maaya Sakamoto, Ikkyu Juku, Ken’ichirô Matsuda, Tarusuke Shingaki. Motoko and Batou work to try to stop a terrorist organization whose symbol is the Scylla. Meanwhile, Togusa investigates a murder of a man who possessed a prosthetic leg manufactured by the Mermaid’s Leg corporation.
“Definitely the killing of Kusanagiu0026#39;s character! Direct attack! So sad! Thos may be right to watch for those who hadnt followed Ghost in the Shell since its beginnings, but to the faithful followers Arise in general lack in quality and yeah this episode is almost a spit on Kusanagi :-(“