Héroes (2010)
27K Comedy Drama Family Genre Albert Espinosa Alex Brendemühl Àlex Monner Anna Lizaran Bernat Pomerol Constantino Romero David Fernández David Figuero Elsa Anka Emma Suárez Eva Santolaria Ferran Rull Gonzalo Cunill Joan Sorribes Lluís Homar Marc Balaguer Mireia Vilapuig Montse Pérez Nerea Camacho Pau Freixas Rosa Andreu Xavier Gil Esteller 2010 7.2 Catalan Pau Freixas Spain
Héroes: Directed by Pau Freixas. With Eva Santolaria, Alex Brendemühl, Emma Suárez, Lluís Homar. Xavi goes down to his family holiday home in Spain where he meets his best friends. As a gang they enter a race to win the magic tree house where Xavi can wish for his Dad to come back after his parents split and his mum re-marries. During the holiday Xavi learns about love for girls and learns how to accept his step dad after lying to his friends. And as a gang they build a cart that will hopefully win the race.
“The main reason to watch this because it takes you back to your childhood memories and also teaches a lot. A must watch !”