First Response (TV Movie 2015)
5K Action Drama Genre Thriller Adam Butcher Christina Correll Dania Ramirez Doug Barber Edward Wong Ellen David Graham Abbey Helena Marie James Harrington James Phillips Jason Cavalier Jefferson Brown Joël Côté Joris Jarsky Kim Tyo Kristopher Turner Lisa McCormack Marc Primeau Mark Slacke Owain Thomas Peter Michael Dillon Philippe Gagnon 2015 6.5 English Germany Philippe Gagnon
First Response: Directed by Philippe Gagnon. With Dania Ramirez, Kristopher Turner, Joris Jarsky, Adam Butcher. A gunman forces a paramedic to drive an ambulance, while his partner treats the man’s injured brother.
“The thing i liked with this movie was the fact that it was not like similar movies when u know the outcome already after 5min. And also the fact that things did or did not happen like me as a viewer expected to happen. That keeps viewers from getting bored. Overall an OK movie. Without unnecessary scenarios. The scenes with Camillau0026#39;s flashbacks did I not get though”