Rakete Perelman (2017)
16K Comedy Drama Genre Africa Brau Anne Haug Antonio Marquez Dario Lehner Franziska Jünger Gordon Kämmerer Ilyes Moutaoukkil Johannes Rothe Kai Michael Müller Lars Rudolph Lilly Marie Tschörtner Liv Lisa Fries Mathilde Fiedler Milton Welsh Oliver Alaluukas Oliver Bröcker Phil Spencer Stefan Lampadius Tobias Lehmann Todd Charmont 2017 6 German Germany Oliver Alaluukas
Rakete Perelman: Directed by Oliver Alaluukas. With Liv Lisa Fries, Tobias Lehmann, Gordon Kämmerer, Stefan Lampadius. In the artist colony Rocket Perelman ten people strive to live their version of freedom and independence – everybody for themselves and all together. But that’s hard work, since the joined theatre production puts the groups’ idealism to a hard test.