Der Sanitäter (2020)
28K Action Adventure Crime Genre Alan Oppenheimer Alice Bocchi Andrea Marmolejo Bill Reed Bob Forward Carles Torras Celso Bugallo David Desola Déborah François Ed Friedman Erika Scheimer George DiCenzo Gerard Oms Guillermo Pfening Hèctor Hernández Vicens John Erwin Larry DiTillio Laura Soto Carrasco Linda Gary Linda Morselli Lou Kachivas Lou Scheimer Maria Rodríguez Soto Mario Casas Marsh Lamore Martin Bacigalupo Melendy Britt Mercè Sánchez Camps Pablo Álvarez Mármol Pau Escobar Pol Monen Raúl Jiménez Rebeca Arnal Rodrigo Arnedo González Sara Ruiz Sergio Adrià Tony Corvillo 2020 5.6 Carles Torras Germany Spanish
Der Sanitäter: Directed by Carles Torras. With Mario Casas, Déborah François, Guillermo Pfening, Maria Rodríguez Soto. Angel works in an ambulance service. After a tragic accident, his personal life begins to deteriorate as he becomes more and more suspicious of his partner Vane.
“Iu0026#39;m a big fan of Mario Casas, so would probably watch any movie heu0026#39;s in. I was hesitant on this one though b/c of the low rating. Donu0026#39;t let that sway you! I really enjoyed the movie. Has the story been told before?? Sure. But I thought it was a good thriller, entertaining, good acting and kept a good pace. Overall it was a perfect movie for a Netflix kind of night.”