WWII : The Long Road Home (2017)
14K Adventure Drama Genre War Alice Rogers Bob Bliss David Aitchison David Hasler Eamonn Breen Elliott Hasler Glenys Ebeaz Irene Weaver Javier DeFreitas Luigi Patti del Pirano li Castri Matthew Wyn Davies Megan Heffernan Mike Skinner Owen Oldroyd Pete Walsh Simon Hasler 2017 7.5 Elliott Hasler English United Kingdom
WWII : The Long Road Home: Directed by Elliott Hasler. With Elliott Hasler, Alice Rogers, David Aitchison, Matthew Wyn Davies. Inspired by teenage director Elliott Hasler’s own great-grandfather’s experiences in WWII; an escaped British POW’s epic battle for survival whilst on the run in war-torn Italy, as his wife and young son anxiously await news in England.
“Acting at times is poor. Cinematography lacks finesse. Clunky in places, but for a teenageru0026#39;s film, it is a worthy effort. However, still 2 out of 10. Maybe with the funding in future, heu0026#39;ll turn out good.”