Red Billabong (2016)
14K Action Comedy Drama Genre Alex Becconsall Ben Chisholm Col Elliott Damien Bryson Dan Ewing Emily Joy Felix Williamson Gregory J. Fryer James Straiton Jessica Green John Reynolds John Sparke Luke Sparke Philippe Deseck Selina Kadell Sophie Don Tim Pocock Yutaka Izumihara 2016 4.7 Aboriginal Australia Luke Sparke
Red Billabong: Directed by Luke Sparke. With Dan Ewing, Tim Pocock, Jessica Green, Sophie Don. In the Australian Outback, two estranged brothers discover old secrets and family lies. As their friends start to go missing they fear they are being stalked by someone or something.
“I can honestly say this movie felt like something cheap you would watch on the Sci-Fi channel. Acting was not memorable and I have already forgotten what the movie was even about. I will not be recommending and I myself will not be watching this one again.”