Malibu Rescue (2019)
59K Action Comedy Family Genre Abby Donnelly Alkoya Brunson Austin Fryberger Breanna Yde Bryana Salaz Camaron Engels Catia Ojeda Curtis Armstrong Ella Gross Ian Ziering Jackie R. Jacobson Jed Elinoff Jeff Meacham Jeremy Howard JT Neal Mary Passeri Michael Mourra Molly Haldeman Ricardo Hurtado Rodney J. Hobbs Savage Steve Holland Scott McAboy Treisa Gary 2019 5 English Savage Steve Holland United States
Malibu Rescue: Directed by Savage Steve Holland. With Ricardo Hurtado, Breanna Yde, Jackie R. Jacobson, Abby Donnelly. Aspiring junior lifeguards compete against snobby local kids for bragging rights and the ultimate tower at Malibu Beach, Calif.
“This show is awesome. It is well written, very funny, and a quality show that isnRarely produced these days. The cast has great synergy. Highly recommend.”