Félix et le trésor de Morgäa (2021)
33K Adventure Animation Family Genre Angela Galuppo Antoine Durand Arthur Holden Catherine Proulx-Lemay Daniel Brochu Eleanor Noble Elias Harger Elizabeth Neale Éveline Gélinas Frédéric Desager Gabriel Lessard Guy Nadon Holly Gauthier-Frankel Jérôme Boiteau Karine Vanasse Louis Lacombe Marc Labrèche Marc Robitaille Nicola Lemay Terrence Scammell Tristan Harvey Wyatt Bowen 2021 5.7 Canada English Nicola Lemay
Félix et le trésor de Morgäa: Directed by Nicola Lemay. With Karine Vanasse, Gabriel Lessard, Guy Nadon, Marc Labrèche. Taking advantage of his mother’s absence as she departs on a cruise ship for some rest and relaxation, 12-year-old Félix sets out to find his father, a fisherman who disappeared at sea two years earlier.
“I thought that this would be terrible like BOSS BABY 2, but it is very charming with a sweet story to go with it. A very good family film. Entertaining, adventurous and funny.”