Obsession (2019)
52K Genre Thriller Anthony Barbier Brad Dourif Brian Matney Bruce Vincent Logan Candi Brooks Charles Barber Elika Portnoy Goran Dukic Jared Bankens Jeff Grays Kerry Cahill Mekhi Phifer Michael Andrews Mike R. Moreau Octavian Wilburn Rey Reynaud Rob Mello Ruben Santiago-Hudson Terence Rosemore Toney Chapman Steele 2019 5.7 English Goran Dukic United States
Obsession: Directed by Goran Dukic. With Mekhi Phifer, Elika Portnoy, Brad Dourif, Ruben Santiago-Hudson. A farmhand begins an affair with his elderly boss’ young wife.
“This film is very interesting and perfectly. And I hope they always make like this movie.”