Nightlife (2020)
24K Comedy Genre Romance Andreas Schröders Caro Cult Cristina do Rego Elyas M'Barek Esther Kuhn Frederick Lau Grit Boettcher Julian Looman Loretta Stern Mark Filatov Matthias Brenner Milena Dreißig Nicholas Ofczarek Nikola Kastner Palina Rojinski Rauand Taleb Simon Verhoeven Steffen Jung Stephan Luca Surho Sugaipov 2020 6.7 German Germany Simon Verhoeven
Nightlife: Directed by Simon Verhoeven. With Julian Looman, Elyas M’Barek, Caro Cult, Frederick Lau. Milo works as a bartender in Berlin and one night gets to know his dream woman Sunny through a series of coincidences. The two meet for a date, but the perfect romantic evening so far.
“A nice, little, undemanding comedy from Germany. Above all, the cast of actors is worth watching the film. Sit together with your friends and some beer and this movie is the right one.”