Closure (2010)
14K Genre Thriller Adam Patrick Foster Ariana Warren Charlie Glackin Chip Bent Christina Collard Daniel Joseph Flynn Beck Grace Del Rey Iris Karina Jacob Baeza Kevin Sizemore L. Michael Burt Marc Raymond Marcin Teodoru Mba Shakoor Michael London Prince Bagdasarian Riz Story Sam Puefua Scarlett Bruns Stephanie Drapeau Tony Devon Victor Browne 2010 5.6 English Marcin Teodoru United States
Closure: Directed by Marcin Teodoru. With Victor Browne, Stephanie Drapeau, Kevin Sizemore, Marc Raymond. The story centers around Robert, with the help of Lawrence and Natalie, as he struggles to find out who has murdered his wife and child. Along the way, he must try to navigate through a web of political intrigue that involves a cop and a district attorney.