Unlawful Justice (2018)
42K Crime Drama Genre Anya Aronen Arberi Ferraj Chance Harlem Jr. Chris Baxter Cliff Yates Damien Greene Ed Regine Emmanuel Vega James Svatko Jezabel Montero Kelsey Johnson Kimani McCullough Lelia Symington Lisa Roumain Marlon Fisher Philadelphia Springfield Randy Davison Reed Imhoff Stephen Quadros T.K. Richardson Will Green 2018 8.1 Chris Baxter English United States
Unlawful Justice: Directed by Chris Baxter. With Emmanuel Vega, Jezabel Montero, Marlon Fisher, Lelia Symington. When a financially struggling LAPD officer relentlessly works to meet an unspoken arrest quota for a promotion, he’s thrown on a deadly collision course with an inner-city teenager determined to escape poverty at all costs.
“When I looked at the reviews… I thought it odd there were no 1 star ratings. Iu0026#39;m not sure Iu0026#39;ve ever seen that before. Well, after enjoying this film, I can totally understand why. What a gem. Everything about this film I loved. It had all the components for me Iu0026#39;m looking for… good story, great acting and it was shot super well. Well done everyone! I certainly give this a thumbs up.”