Elyse (2020)
23K Drama Genre Aaron Tucker Annette Dugan Anthony Apel Anthony Hopkins Audrey Arkins Brittani Ebert Connor Garelick Daisy Barber Danny Jacobs David M. Jackson Diana Arroyave Donat Balaj Everett Kelsey Fran Tucker Griffin Thomas Hollander Julieta Ortiz Lisa Pepper Natalia Tucker Riccardo Spinotti Stella Hopkins Susan Papa Tara Arroyave 2020 3.8 English Stella Hopkins United States
Elyse: Directed by Stella Hopkins. With Anthony Hopkins, Lisa Pepper, Aaron Tucker, Tara Arroyave. Memory and hallucination intertwine to expose a history of trauma, revealing Elyse is Catatonic and institutionalized in a State Hospital.
“While it seems the intent of the movie is to take the viewer on a journey to illustrate struggles of mental illness, it took odd twists and turns that didnu0026#39;t benefit the plot. Acting of certain characters seemed forced. I wouldnu0026#39;t see it again.”