The Undercover Man (1949)
57K Crime Drama Genre Alex Bordewijk Angela Clarke Anthony Caruso Axel Bulthaupt Barry Kelley Bülent Ceylan David Bauer Esther Minciotti Frank J. Wilson Frank Tweddell Glenn Ford Herbert Feuerstein Howard St. John Jack Rubin James Whitmore Janin Ullmann Joan Lazer John Butler John F. Hamilton Joseph H. Lewis Kay Medford Leo Penn Marie-Luise Marjan Mary Roos Nina Foch Otto Waalkes Patricia Barry Peter Brocco Richard Bartell Robert Osterloh Sydney Boehm Thomas Helmer Ulla Kock am Brink Wheaton Chambers Wigald Boning 1949 Alex Bordewijk English null West Germany
The Undercover Man: Directed by Joseph H. Lewis. With Glenn Ford, Nina Foch, James Whitmore, Barry Kelley. Treasury Department agent Frank Warren takes on the case of a mob leader who has evaded paying taxes on his ill-gotten gains.
“Glenn Ford gives a believable performance in this fast paced film with an all too short role for the underrated Nina Foch. Great direction from Joseph H. Lewis.”