Sad People Factory (TV Movie 2015)
33K Documentary Drama Genre Alain Ehrenberg Alain Gérard Allen Frances Bun Chino Daniel Chisholm Hiroshi Kawahito Isabel Gomez-Bassols Junko Kitanaka Laurence Kirmayer Lucie Morvan Garcia Michael Ipermachos Michèle Dominici Michelle Holmberg Miguel Benasayag Nikos Chountis Pierre Henri Castel Shigenobu Kanba Sôkyû Genyû Steeves Demazeux Ulrich Hegerl Vanessa Marsot 2015 9.1 English Michèle Dominici United States
Sad People Factory: Directed by Michèle Dominici. With Miguel Benasayag, Pierre Henri Castel, Bun Chino, Daniel Chisholm. This worldwide investigation delves into the nature and epidemic scope of depression from a societal viewpoint that challenges the individualistic notion of depression. On the cutting edge of this massive study, sociologists, philosophers, social workers, and neuropsychiatrists uncover contextual evidence of what is creating a fertile ground for depression worldwide.