Proximity (2020)
59K Drama Genre Ben Sullivan Blaine Gray Charles B. Wells Christian Prentice Christopher Murray Don Scribner Eric Demeusy Gregory DePetro Highdee Kuan Ian Coleman Jason Mitcheltree Jeff Davis Jordan Tortorello Kylie Contreary Mauri Montebello Perez Max Cutler Mikey McKernan Pamela Holt Ryan Masson Sarah Navratil Shaw Jones Tyler Derench 2020 5.1 English Eric Demeusy United States
Proximity: Directed by Eric Demeusy. With Ryan Masson, Highdee Kuan, Christian Prentice, Shaw Jones. A young NASA JPL scientist is abducted by extraterrestrials but when no one believes his story he becomes obsessed with finding proof which leads him on a journey of discovery.
“Whatu0026#39;s going on with the soundtrack in this movie! Itu0026#39;s absolutely terrible, like watching a movie with someone in the same room as you playing a cd , or watching a movie from 1940 with the volume turned up way to loud while you try to listen to the dialogue! And music playing completely inappropriate to the scene on screen , itu0026#39;s a shame it completely destroyed any chance of liking this movie .”