Slit Mouth Woman in LA (2014)
20K Action Genre Horror Mystery Akira Hirose Amelia Gotham Bianca Mobley Caitlen Nelis-Masters Clayton Cook Courtney Bandeko David Gunther Eiji Inoue Eiji Leon Lee Geryh 'Hurricane' Curtis Hiro Kay John Klopping Jordan Borges Kanshichi Hiro Kazuya Ogawa Koji Niiya Megumi Ageishi Mennell Alkhawaja Nicole Alexandra Lvova Peter Cluff Phillip Ristaino Roza Akino Stefanie Estes 2014 5.5 Akira Hirose English Japan
Slit Mouth Woman in LA: Directed by Akira Hirose, Hiro Kay, Kazuya Ogawa, Takeshi Sone. With Megumi Ageishi, Roza Akino, Mennell Alkhawaja, Courtney Bandeko. The rumor of Slit mouth woman is blasting in LA. Claire (Lauren Taylor) sees the nightmare of her every night. She met the professor of the urban legends research and talk about the phenomenon. She finds out that the incidents are not just Slit mouth woman but the other urban legends from Japan. The professor assumes that some of the homicides are relates to Japanese Urban Legends and ghosts, which are actually happened in LA. A few days later, she scared of illusion of Japanese Urban Legends and realizes that she herself is turning into the woman.