Charged: The Eduardo Garcia Story (2017)
67K Action Adventure Documentary Genre Amalia Cochran Corinne Jane Daphne Perry David Childress Eduardo Garcia Eugenio Garcia Giorgio A. Tsoukalos Indra Fanuzzi Jennifer Jane Kathie Garcia Kevin Burns Macjulian Lang Manuel Garcia Phillip Baribeau Ranga Perera Robert Clotworthy Sam Hazen Stephen E. Morris William Henry Willie Stewart 2017 8.1 English Phillip Baribeau United States
Charged: The Eduardo Garcia Story: Directed by Phillip Baribeau. With Eduardo Garcia, Jennifer Jane, Manuel Garcia, Eugenio Garcia. Charged with 2400 volts of electricity, Eduardo Garcia lost an arm, ribs, muscle mass and nearly his life, but more important than what he lost is what he found.
“With a positive approach to a uniquely tragic and emotional experience, Edwardo deserves more than a humanitarian medal for his positive tenacity, gentle soul and amazing story of thriving in a situation where most people would have given up a thousands times over.”