Acts of Revenge (2020)
27K Crime Drama Genre Mystery Al Burke Alex MacNicoll Alexis Codding Arthur Clark Ben L. Daniels Cagan Kayi Che Davidson Justin Michael Banek Kate Orsini Kurt Sinclair Luke Jones Matt Cinquanta Monib Abhat Nicole Laino Ozzie Devrish Peter Tahoe Richard Tyson Robert Brettenaugh Ryan Bouton Steve Crest William C. Albert 2020 3.8 Cagan Kayi English United States
Acts of Revenge: Directed by Cagan Kayi. With Richard Tyson, Matt Cinquanta, Kurt Sinclair, Kate Orsini. Matters turn violent after an ex-police detective (Richard Tyson) and psychiatrist (Kurt Sinclair) manipulate a grieving father (Matt Cinquanta) in pursuit of justice.
“Firstly, this movie could have been much better. However, you can see at times that some scenes are way too long and unnecessary. Thatu0026#39;s a common threat in independent films. It starts as a family drama but evolves into a crime suspense around midpoint. If you like the genre, you can give it a shot.”