Nackte Sünde (TV Movie 1991)
60K Drama Genre Thriller Christine Belford Claudia Christian Clayton Landey Denne Bart Petitclerc Dick Miller Ed Williams Ian Patrick Williams John Sanderford John Vernon Kevin Page Lenore Kasdorf Michael Dudikoff Michael Switzer Neil Vipond Patricia Estrin Richard Narita Stephen Prutting Stu Samuels Stuart Nisbet Susan Lucci Tim Matheson Tom Everett William Edward Lewis 1991 5 English Michael Switzer United States
Nackte Sünde: Directed by Michael Switzer. With Susan Lucci, Tim Matheson, Michael Dudikoff, John Vernon. A beautiful woman is falsely accused of her best friend’s murder after an illicit affair while Michael and Victoria Robeson’s secrets need to come out if the crime is to be solved.
“This was a very interesting movie. Very clever and unusual plot.”