Juarez 2045 (2017)
37K Action Adventure Genre Adam Scorgie Alexander P. Heartman Amy Savannah Anthony Tefertiller Blake Webb Brad Schmidt Casey William Walker Chris Le Chris Persky Danny Trejo Flo Donelli Jay Whittaker Joseph L. Puente Kyler Steven Fisher Luis E. Mendoza Marlon V. Gaines Natalie Day Oscar Olivares Oscar R. Sanchez Sahar Khadjenoury Victor Soto 4 Chris Le Japan
Juarez 2045: Directed by Chris Le. With Danny Trejo, Alexander P. Heartman, Amy Savannah, Blake Webb. Its the year 2045. War on drugs in Mexico has escalated as a ruthless drug Cartel use robots to enforce their operations.
“Totally disaster. Robots looked so fake,visuals so poor,actors are not convincional. Piece of crap. About the plot. This film doesnu0026#39;t have story line. Who is the main character? What happened to him after he won against bad guys? Nothing was shown. Totally rubbish.”